A workshop on the generativity of extended collaborative encounters across disciplines. Three-dimensional design tools - 3D printers, virtual CAVEs, and dynamic visualization programs - facilitate inventive thinking especially when they are the emergent result of long-term engagement among groups in which there can be no sole inventor, no one is able to do it on their own. These groups often have wildly different interests and goals but are able to create tools and knowledge together via rapid modification of products, software, and visualizations. Using successful cases from synthetic biology, geology, architecture and medicine, Tweak! will examine the project of creating and continually modifying tools whose openness depends on the materiality of experience: haptic feedback, surfaces, workflow and interfaces. Presentations will focus on the nuts and bolts of group development dynamics, and the roles of proximity, shared space, teaching together, programming experience and scientific expertise. We will explore the forms -- processes, programs, and projects -- that emerge from these.
Case presentations of three multi-year productive collaborations (LabStudio, KeckCAVES, Microsoft Research Labs-CompBio), each followed by respondents from different Science & Technology Studies perspectives. It will conclude with a keynote by Adrian MacKenzie (a theoretical overview of inventive software tools and generative sociality).
For more information, please email Jeremy Till.
Erica Savig
LabStudio & Stanford University
LabStudio: Designing New Research Tools at the Intersection of Science and Architecture
discussant: Orit Halpern (New School)
David Benque
Artist, Designer and Consultant to Microsoft Research Labs
Interfaces between Design and Biology
discussant: Nina Wakeford (Goldsmiths)
Louise Kellogg, Oliver Kreylos, Dawn Sumner
KeckCAVES, UC Davis
KeckCAVES: Seven Years of Creative Research
discussant: Joseph Dumit (UC Davis)
Keynote Speaker: Adrian MacKenzie
Lancaster University
The vitality of methods: the case of R
discussants: Warren Sack (UCSC)
Duncan Temple Lang (UC Davis)